Showing Homes in Rainy or Snowy Conditions

When it comes to house hunting, the weather might not be the first thing on your mind. Most people aim for sunny days to tour homes, but there’s an opportunity when it’s raining to uncover latent defects.

It might not sound appealing to go in the rain, but there are advantages to embracing these weather conditions during your house tour.

Spotting Leaks and Seepages:

Rain and melting snow can help uncover a home’s resilience against moisture. You’ll see if there are leaks at windows or basements and potential roof issues.

Assessing Drainage Systems:

Yard drainage systems are key in maintaining a dry property. Observing the direction of runoff and whether there are pooling areas in the yard can tell you a lot about the drainage systems or lack thereof.

Understanding the Neighborhood:

Adverse weather conditions offer a different perspective on the neighborhood. Are the streets prone to flooding? How well are the roads maintained during heavy rain or snow?

Negotiation Leverage:

Discovering potential issues during inclement weather can be helpful during negotiations. Unveiling problems like leaks or drainage issues gives you leverage to negotiate a better price or request repairs before finalizing the purchase.

Realistic Evaluation:

Viewing a home in less-than-ideal weather conditions provides a realistic picture of its functionality. It helps set reasonable expectations.

So grab your rain gear or snow shovel and watch the weather!

House hunting isn’t just about what meets the eye on a bright day; it’s about discovering the functionality of the house that will soon be your home.

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